Sam Halbert

05 Dec 2022

Ethics and Compliance - IAPP Update

Ethics and Compliance

Take a look at some IAPP updates - Connecticut IAPP Update: Connecticut enacts comprehensive consumer data privacy law (

The law includes many of the same rights, obligations and exceptions as the consumer privacy laws already on the books in California, Colorado, Utah and Virginia.

It draws heavily from Colorado's law and the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act — with many of the law’s provisions either mirroring or falling somewhere between the Colorado and Virginia laws — but contains a few notable distinctions that should be factored into an entity’s compliance efforts.   

Utah IAPP Update: Utah becomes fourth US state to enact comprehensive consumer privacy legislation (

On March 24 the Utah Consumer Privacy Act was signed into law, making Utah the fourth state to enact comprehensive consumer privacy legislation.

The law goes into effect Dec. 31, 2023. The UCPA is both similar to and different from the consumer privacy laws of California, Virginia and Colorado.