Here are details of what you can find in the online training platform for EPHMRA.
The online training is free for member companies.
The online training is now accessible with your web site log in - make sure you have created a profile and log in.

On connecting in to the training platform each colleague has their own individual training dashboard where you can see the courses and tests available to you. All these are free of charge and you can save and download your certificates.
The training modules available to you are:
A. EPHMRA Ethics Online Training Modules and Competency Tests
1. EPHMRA Code of Conduct Training Course
2. EPHMRA AER Training Course
3. Code of Conduct Competency Test – complete test
4. Code of Conduct Competency Test – supplementary test EPHMRA members who are also BHBIA members will have the opportunity to take this supplementary test which covers EPHMRA specific requirements and, in combination with the BHBIA Legal and Ethical Guidelines Competency Certificate, meets EPHMRA’s full requirements.
5. AER Competency Test – complete test
6. AER Competency Test – supplementary test EPHMRA members who are also BHBIA members have the opportunity to take this supplementary test which covers EPHMRA specific requirements and, in combination with the BHBIA certificate, meets EPHMRA’s full requirements.
B. Announcing our 2024 Young Professionals - Healthcare Market Research -Online Training.

The programme comprises these 8 modules:
- Introduction to Healthcare Market Research
- Managing a Healthcare Market Research Project
- Positioning and Messaging for Pharmaceutical Products
- Projective Techniques
- Unlocking Your Potential: Nurturing a Positive Mindset
- The Value Of High-quality Patient Research – And How To Achieve It
- Conjoint Training for aligning with Business Objectives across the Product Life Cycle
- Maximising Value from LinkedIn and Conference Events
The modules are available free of charge to EPHMRA member companies.
What’s more: the training has reached criteria for MRS Accredited Training Provider status.
The online delivery of the programme means there is no set delivery date, therefore giving learners the flexibility to choose to complete as many or as few modules as they desire, in any order, and at their preferred time. The content and structure of the programme will give young healthcare research professionals solid knowledge and understanding of the principles and practice of healthcare market research.
The training programme Young Professionals - Healthcare Market Research has also been accredited as external training provision towards hours for MRS CPD Programme.
Contact to find out more.
C. Further Ethics Online Training
2 more courses with certificates of completion
1. Preparing for Field
2. Code of Conduct for Medical Personnel Reviewing Market Research
D. Data Protection Training
The aim of this course is to enable delegates to understand the legislation and apply it to the research and research healthcare context. The learning outcomes and objectives of this course:
• Understand how the EU GDPR is structured and learn the definitions, concepts and principles of the legislation;
• Learn how non-EU countries have adapted and applied the legislation, particularly those markets covered by the EPHMRA Code;
• Understand how GDPR and similar legislation applies when collecting data for healthcare research.
On connecting in to the training platform each colleague has their own individual training dashboard where you can see the courses and tests available to you. All these are free of charge and you can save and download your certificates.